Recovery Tips For Lasik Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery will add a ton of convenience to your life. No more worrying about glasses and contacts, just 20/20 vision.

Recovery time after LASIK is relatively quick compared to most surgeries, but you’ll still be out of commission for a day or two. It’s important to know what you should do after the surgery before you go in. Read these tips for recovering from LASIK eye surgery so you can get back to regular life as soon as possible and recover fully.

Pre-surgery procedures have an effect on your recovery

Before any kind of surgery, it’s important for your surgeon to do their due diligence. If you don’t have a sit-down appointment with your surgeon before the LASIK surgery, it’s not a place you should trust. It may seem crazy, but there are places that will schedule you for LASIK without a consultation beforehand. This consultation is an important step that you don’t want to skip.

Before the surgery, your surgeon will have your eyes 3D mapped. This is because LASIK surgery actually reshapes your corneal tissue. Without having the mapping done, there is no confident way for a doctor to decide if you are a good candidate for LASIK surgery or not.

Arrange a Ride Home

After LASIK surgery, you will not be able to drive immediately. The doctor may give you medication that blurs your vision during the surgery. Have a friend or family member ready to drive you home.

Keep Eye Drops Around for a While

Eyes recovering from LASIK surgery frequently dry out, so it’s important to have eye drops to lubricate them. Keeping the proper moisture level in your eyes will help the healing process as well as comfort. Many people who have gotten LASIK surgery experience dry eyes for a few weeks after, some people have them for up to 6 months after. If your eyes are uncomfortably dry for months, contact your doctor to make sure there isn’t a problem.

Get As Much Sleep As You Can

Your doctor will likely tell you to take a nap when you get home from the surgery. This is because the incision in your eye will be unlike anything you’ve likely felt before. It will be uncomfortable, but it will heal faster the more your eyes stay closed.

Remember That Your Eyes Will Still Age

It’s a common misconception for people to think that their LASIK surgery has “worn off” after a few years. If your eyesight starts to get worse a few years after your surgery, it’s probably due to regular aging. LASIK eye surgery corrects your vision at that point in time, it doesn’t stop your eyes from aging. Like most people, you’ll likely end up needing reading glasses as you get older.

Fite Eye Center | LASIK Eye Surgery And Other Eye Care Services

If you’re tired of spending money buying glasses and contacts, and time caring for them, then you should consider LASIK surgery from Fite Eye Center. It’s a safe procedure that improves the vision of 90% of people, and the recovery time is pretty quick. A day or two later, you’ve got 20/20 vision for years to come. If you have any questions about LASIK eye surgery, we would be more than happy to answer them all for you.